Как удержать темп современной жизни?

In the rhythm of modern life

It would seem that technological progress has led to saving of man’s time and energy. But do people spend this disengaged time on themselves,...

Why the success stories are so useless

This post will be appreciated by misanthropes, as it proves the fact that there is nothing more useless than someone else's success. Well, if...

How to succeed in an unloved business

When I was in the 8th grade, I lost interest in my classes, and began shirking school. But I didn’t hang around on the...

Goal-setting and activity control on the basis of the Eisenhower matrix

We have already written how to cope with fear and procrastination halting us on our way to achieving the goals. However, as soon as...

I’m afraid of making a mistake

Every time I plan a large-scale project I feel scared. It calls my brain to not even start - "It's long, it's difficult, it's impossible"....

Myths about multitasking, or How our brain responds to it

For most of us, simultaneous performing multiple tasks makes it less productive. So why the hell are we so tough to concentrate on a...

What to do when you can’t live “like before”, but don’t know how to...

This article (not even an article, but rather an essay) is for those who want to change their lives, but don’t know where to...

Probably, the easiest way to overcome stress on the way to the goal

Have you ever faced a situation when having set a certain goal, you like bumped against an invisible wall, unable to take a single...
Интроверты: стратегия успеха

Introverts: a strategy for success

Several years ago I worked as a scriptwriter for some training courses. One morning, my chief met me with a face “we need to...

The necessity for proper goal setting

According to statistics, just about 9 out of 10 people don’t live the way they would like to. Very few people turn their dreams...

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7 reasons of why we should set goals

Why should we set goals? What are the benefits of living with well-defined objectives and a plan? In fact, properly defined goals give us...

Goal-setting and activity control on the basis of the Eisenhower matrix

We have already written how to cope with fear and procrastination halting us on our way to achieving the goals. However, as soon as...

What to do when you can’t live “like before”, but don’t know how to...

This article (not even an article, but rather an essay) is for those who want to change their lives, but don’t know where to...

Why the success stories are so useless

This post will be appreciated by misanthropes, as it proves the fact that there is nothing more useless than someone else's success. Well, if...

I’m afraid of making a mistake

Every time I plan a large-scale project I feel scared. It calls my brain to not even start - "It's long, it's difficult, it's impossible"....